DARMOWA wysyłka spoza UE + śledzenie przesyłki + ubezpieczenie dostawy
Zazwyczaj 14 dni, maksymalnie 60 dni lub całkowity zwrot kosztów
Nazwa marki | happytab |
Pochodzenie | TR (pochodzenie) |
Use for | Wedding Guestbook, Wedding, Engagement, Anniversary, Valentine's Day |
Occasion | Wedding & Engagement ,Valentin's Day, Annivers, Bridal shower |
Topic | Party organizer ,Party designer event design |
Detail | Wedding Book, invitation, dream wedding, Sign this book |
Product | Guestbook,Guestbook cover ,Mirror guestbook, wedding design |
Color | monochrome, multicolor, mixed color |
Model | Heart, Animal, Bird, Leaf, Star, Butterfly |
Model1 | Bride and Groom |
Model2 | Women and Men |
Model3 | For Lovers |
Model4 | Married Couple |
Process | Laser cutting, Handmade |
Material | Wood, Water Based Acrylic Paint,Harmless Paint |
Theme | Rustic Wedding Decoration |
Feature | 3D Guest book, Personalized Guest Book, Alternative Guestbook |
Using | Wedding Decoration Table |
Usage area | wedding, birthday, valentine's day, anniversary gifts |